Welcome to our company! We are a Innovative exporter and importer of goods, with over 10 years of experience in marketing and merchandising. Our company has a clear vision of entering the global market and putting emphasis on fair trading concepts. We believe that fair trade is the key to sustainable growth and development, and we strive to promote this concept in all our business dealings.


Import & Export

Our expert team offers tailored import/export services for businesses of all sizes with a focus on quality and efficiency.

Market Research

Our market research services provide unique insights and custom plans to empower your business decisions to enter global markets.


Our experienced team crafts innovative products that align with your budget, maximizing your launch impact and setting new industry standards.

Product Adoptation

We customize products to suit the lifestyles of foreign consumers. This allows us to fulfill the demands of the global market.

Remain in Contact

Contact Info
+98-21 22688412
+98-21 22678002

Address: 5th unit, No 9, Simiary alley, Sahriati St, Tehran, Iran


Localization Map